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Holiday Shipping Notice

My brother is having surgery and I’m going to be up to my ears taking care of him and the family homestead. All will be well – there’s nothing to be particularly worried about, but he’ll be out of commission for a while and I will be picking up the slack.

As a result, I won’t be available to ship out orders for Stampeaz in a timely fashion during his recovery. If you plan on doing holiday shopping and having things arrive on time, please order this week. I’ll be able to ship out orders that I receive by November 23rd. Anything after that is a wobbly “maybe”.

I apologize for any inconvenience. Unfortunately, this qualifies as one of the perils of being a one-person outfit. Thank you for understanding – I have the best customers on the planet! 🙂

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Introducing VersaFine Clair (and Other Ink News)

VersaFine Clair Inks and Inkers

Some of the inks that I have loved for years are being discontinued, so I went searching for possible replacements. I think I found one. I wanted something that would work with finely detailed images, dry quickly, be light fast, and fade resistant. Also, I wanted the pads to have matching inkers available, so they could be refreshed easily, rather than needing to be replaced when they started to lose their juiciness.

VersaFine inks have been wonderful and I love them, but the only colors that have refills available are Vintage Sepia and Onyx Black. VersaFine Clair, on the other hand, has a variety of pad colors with inkers to match. I plan to keep carrying the original VersaFine pads and inkers as long as they’re available to me (my supplier seems to be phasing out the standard sized pads, but I can still get the minis).

Some of the Clair ink names are a little obscure, but I have pictures of each pad and inker, so you can get a pretty good idea by selecting them from the drop-down menu. (For example, the orange pad below is called, “Summertime”.)

Summertime (orange) VersaFine Clair Pad

While VersaMagic is being discontinued (and is on sale through the end of this month), I have managed to get my hot little webbed feet on more Kaleidacolor pads and inkers, so we can all relax about that for a little while.

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Happy Birthday, Stampeaz!

It’s hard to believe it has been eighteen years. What an amazing adventure!

I’m celebrating today with a couple of sales. First, Tan-Z Kut is on sale all day. The stack looks a little like a layer cake, after all!

Tan-Z Kut
Tan-Z Kut Carving Block

Also, since change is inevitable, I am going to be replacing VersaMagic inks with a new line of pads and inkers I think will be an excellent addition to the mix. That means that I’m putting VersaMagic inks on sale for the rest of the month of February (or, as they say, as long as supplies last). Unfortunately, my basement can’t accomodate everything and I need to make space for the new kids on the block.

VersaMagic Inks and Inkers

VersaMagic is a great matte finish chalk ink and I’ve enjoyed using these in my own creations (and the tiny dew drop pad size makes these colors easy to carry in a pocket or backpack — just saying…). I’m sorry to see these little beauties go, but I’m also looking forward to new colors to play with!

Thank you for a fabulous eighteen years! I have the best customers on the planet!!

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Gift Certificate Update

People have been asking about the new gift certificates and I have an update about how things are going so far.

I’m very excited! I just had someone use one of the new gift certificates to purchase some carving blocks from the store (for the first time) and everything seems to have worked just as it was supposed to work. I love it when that happens! I knew folks had been able to purchase the certificates and send them to the desired recipient, but I was still nervous about how the cashing-in part of the equation was going to work. Tonight, I’m breathing a little easier and doing a happy dance.

Still, let me know if anything seems to glitch on the user end. It’s still a new feature and unforeseen things can happen.

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Announcing Something New!

I finally managed to figure out how to add electronic Gift Cards/Certificates to the site. I had tried several times before and failed, but managed to emerge from the struggle victorious this time. If you want to check out the possibilities, here’s the link: Gift Card.

And, of course, I couldn’t just leave the listing naked, so I carved an icon to use for the link.

Image of a hand carved print of a wrapped package along with the block carved to print it.

So far, I’m using just the print as the icon, because that’s what I originally had in mind, but I’m rethinking it. I might rework the icon, using the printed image along with the actual carving and tools – a square out of the picture above. I think it might be more visually interesting. Any opinions?

In either case, I am very excited to be able to offer gift certificates, at long last. Also, since it’s a new feature on the site, be sure to let me know if you notice any glitches along the way.